why Montessori Computers

why Montessori Computers

Montessori Computers is a computer science curriculum inspired by the work of Maria Montessori. 
Take a look at the values that inform our design.

We Love Montessori

When you walk into a Montessori classroom, you can't help but be struck by the incredible independence and resourcefulness of the students. But most importantly, Montessori fosters a love of learning. We want to inspire in our students a curiosity about the world around them, and the belief that they can understand challenging concepts.

We Are Scientists

Maria Montessori was a true scientist, she looked to the child to learn how the child learns. She met the needs of the child by creating a prepared environment that was adapted to their developmental motivations. We strive to watch what children are fascinated by, and adapt our curriculum to meet their special learning needs.

We Know Computers

Our curriculum is driven by industry experience. We looked at best engineers we knew to find out what skills helped drive their success, and found areas of opportunity for forming the next generation of software engineers.

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